Lent has become an opportunity to not only give up chocolate, coffee or Facebook. It is also a time to be kind, thoughtful, thankful and generous.
We are challenging you to GIVE UP AND GIVE this lent. Give up something you love and show love by donating the cost of what you save.
Your support has the power to change a life like Alfred’s…
“It’s no joke. When you don’t eat properly you starve. You lose your self-esteem and everything. I was sending out my CV 15 times a day to companies. Sometimes you get replies back and sometimes you don’t…” Click here to the find out how Alfred went from this crisis to having a sustainable and hopeful future.
£50 could provide the opportunity for someone like Alfred, Lorna, Sandra or Claire to meet with our project worker and get the advice and support they need to start their journey out of crisis.
How to get involved:
- Join our #firstlovelent appeal and commit to GIVE UP AND GIVE this lent.
- Donate through our website or text LENT10 £3 to 70070 to donate £3 and support someone like Alfred get back on their feet.
- Want to increase the impact of your giving? Swap the number after the £ sign to donate a different amount e.g. £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10