Anxiety. That dirty word with so much power. Have you had it? I know I have.
Takes you over, doesn’t it? And sometimes for reasons completely unbeknown to you.
With COVID-19 and the state of the world, there is no surprise that many of us are facing high levels of anxiety, depression, sadness and general worry. Managing those feelings is a personal thing and there certainly isn’t a one-size-fits-all technique which can cure or even reduce any of the weight of those emotions… but there is something I would like to recommend.
Last night I discovered something beautiful; a free, live, breathwork class. I hadn’t heard of breathwork before, let alone understood it’s importance, but for 60 minutes I breathed.
Just breathed.
The live session is with @breathewithjames (over on Instagram) and James guides you through the technique. You don’t need to have done it before, all you need is a comfortable place, a pillow and 60 minutes for yourself.
We caught up with James this morning to explain the benefits of breathwork.
‘There has never been a more important time to learn how to breathe. The breath – something most of us so take for granted and never pay much attention to has suddenly been thrust into the limelight through the unfortunate circumstance of COVID-19. Now is the time to start connecting to and understanding the power of your breath. Now is the time to start practicing Breathwork.
Breathwork is the quickest, most powerful and effective way to enhance and transform one’s state of mind and body.
Breathing is the only system in our body that is both automatic and under our control. This is not a coincidence. It’s an invitation to tap into and influence the evolution of our mind and body. Once understood, breathing practices can be used as a tool to radically improve our physical and mental health, performance and emotional wellbeing.’
We encourage you to join the session this coming Thursday 9th April at 6pm and breathe with us! We’ll be there!
This will take place every Tuesday and Thursday, on Instagram Live at 6pm. You can access the session on James’ Page, here. The sessions are not recorded because James wants to encourage people to come and breathe together as one, in real time.
Expect more recommendations and blogs from us. We’ll get through this together!
– Yasmine