This week has been such a busy one!
With the commencement of London Challenge Poverty Week, we’ve had such a good time sharing stories, encouraging debate and generally raising awareness of the issues that are ever-present for the people of Tower Hamlets who are in crisis.
The week kicked off with us announcing three challenges over on our socials, the first being a challenge to your thinking on poverty, as we introduced one of our First Love heroes – James.
Wednesday’s challenge saw us challenging you to take action. We shared a few ways for you to get involved – the first being signing the petitions below, forcing the government to make changes to legislation that impact those most in need. We also wanted you to take today to educate yourself on pressing issues surrounding poverty. Lastly (but just as importantly), we wanted you to read up on the Hero Stories on our website to see the change you’ve already made.
Get signing the links below, and we’ll see you on Friday for challenge three!
Don’t Zap the Zip –
Stop TFL from removing free travel for under-18s –
Stop the Rot! Call on supermarkets to tackle food waste in their supply chains –
Increase in the minimum wage to a real living wage –
Create a Minister For Poverty responsible for tackling poverty and its causes –
– Christina